Thursday, September 16, 2010


The definition of American Civilization in the late 19th century depends on who you ask. Everyone knows different facts and details. If you ask me, America is a promising land unless you're a non-white. "Whites" were very racist towards anyone who did not have white skin, and sometimes even if you did have white skin you were discriminated against. Around the 1880's people began coming to the U.S. for jobs which brought about the racism. Mexicans worked in mining and agricultural jobs which were the lowest paying and most back-breaking jobs and they involved harsh discrimination. Chinese peoples also came to the U.S. to escape poverty in their home country. Here they worked on railroads. Then in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was issued which basically forced the chinese out of the U.S. Soon Jim Crow laws came about and then the Plessy v. Ferguson created the seperate but equal theory. After 1877 discrimination started in. Then soon the Spanish-American war took place. The end.
So, in class today we discussed the reading about imperialism. I liked the discussion today and being in groups to prove a point. The people in my group were so stuck on their own ideas so it was hard to come to a conclusion to write on our paper to hand in. I did really like group work though, it was much easier for me to understand the concpets. Also, with group work I didn't feel obliged to sleep.
Mr. Jones, I am beginning to love your teaching style.

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