Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Girl, you got style; but don't be so selfish.

Women such as the women pictured above pushed men into the war. They encouraged men to fight in the war, World War Uno and they worked at home. 

While we had lecture in class yesterday I couldn't help but think about the fashion of the early 20th century; i'm a fashion major. It's fascinating to look at the fashion of different time periods. I definitely think that war histories and simply history alone have and do help fashion statements to be made. But I won't go into all that. 
I hate history but I found out some things about the progressive era. One thing I found out  was that around this time (early twentieth century) mucrackers were exploiting the awful side of American life. They told of child labor, horrors of lynching, corruption of city governments, and ruthless business practices. Theodore Roosevelt took over presidency after Mckinley. 

This is sort of out of context for this week but I watched the May 4th video today, and I'm very disgruntled with the way the stupid mayor from that other town handled the situation that wasn't even his to handle. He called in the  National Guard who ended up open firing on students! For this reason I feel that all those soldiers who shot their rifles on May 4th at innocent students should die. They should each be stabbed with their own bayonets. Yeah, I know they're all probably dead already from old age, I just hope they suffered. It was cruel, unjust, and I fear for the stability of government and our "soldiers". 


Back to actual history class...
So, the U.S. involvement in World War 1 was neutrality. We have immigrants at home who're on both sides of this  war and we didn't want fight at home to break out and have north vs. south or anything like that. Also, we figured it was a European problem and if we fought in it we'd make less profit. We were already making profit by selling the countries weapons that were killing hundreds. I think the U.S. should've been more involved right from the start. Instead of selling weapons we should've used them as a scare tactic. (tactic is tic-tac backwards :p ) I think instead of feeding the fire we should've helped to extinguish it. We only entered the war because our ships were sunk by the Germans. I think that just shows how greedy and selfish the United States was and now is. I wish someone would realize that. 

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