Friday, September 10, 2010

Frick; was just that.

In class on Thursday I was really tired and it was kind of hard to focus in on the lecture and then the discussion, but i did get something out of it. First I would like to add my two cents to the discussion from the end of class. One of the girls in the front row said something about how humans don't learn from our mistakes... I'd like to disagree. I think that it's just too easy to learn from previous mistakes and everyone is so thirsty for power and control over others that we simply ignore what we should've learned and simply continue on with our race for power. Americans as a whole are so greedy. I mean yeah, I'm sure there's the few people who never think of themselves and live for others but a majority of people are greedy. They get even greedier when it comes to money and/or power.
The Homestead Steel Strike sounds like a big ole mess. Here are lowly, poor women trying to get by with a dollar an hour and when Carnegie leaves he leaves Frick in charge who then cuts wages. Then th Pinkertons came and were private security or something? I don't really understand them but I guess they were a threat to these women's jobs. Being of the female race I simply adore the women who pummeled the Pinkertons to fight for what they wanted. After that though, the governer calls in the militia. That, in my opinion is just silly. More power to those women at Homestead though.

I must say, I think this class is getting better... slowly, but getting there.

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