Friday, December 3, 2010


While there is much history that is known fact of the seventies and eighties, I like to learn the stuff that no one really knows. I looked up some events that happened in the 1970’s and 80’s. I thought it was interesting to look at history from a different approach. I mean floppy discs and Pac-Man is still a part of a history, just not the war and presidents part. 
The Beatles break up, Elvis Presely dies, ESPN began broadcasting, the ultrasound was first used, The Star Wars movie was released, the Alaskan pipeline was completed, the Tangshan earthquake killed over 240,000 people, Microsoft was founded, abortion became legal, Richard Nixon is president, Disney World opened, floppy discs were invented, bar codes were introduced, Paul Getty was kidnapped, Kent State Shootings, first Earth Day, cigarette ads are banned from T.V., E-mail is invented, Watergate Scandal, Bicentennial, MRI is used, Jonestown Massacre, first test tube baby, and 11 people are trampled outside The Who concert.
Ronald Reagan is president, post-it notes are introduced, CNN and MTV hit television, John Lennon is assassinated, the Pope is shot by a crazy Turkish man, Pac-Man is introduced, Spain allows divorce, "cause this is thriller", liposuction is introduced, Tylenol scare, first artificial heart transplant, cabbage patch kids are released, CD's are released, AIDS is discovered, infomercials, crack cocaine starts to appear, Nintendo is introduced, Challenger explodes, Bruce Willis marries Demi Moore, world population reaches 5 billion, condom commercials start to appear on T.V., the first plutonium pacemaker is made, McDonald’s appears in the U.S.S.R., Human Genome project begins, fall of the Berlin Wall, and there's a worldwide ban on ivory. 

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