Thursday, November 4, 2010

History in Action.

The world is a cruel and hateful place... unless you can learn to embrace change and diversity. All they wanted was the same rights. All they wanted was to be accepted. Africa American peoples were discriminated against because of their skin color. Naturally, the African American people fought back. They didn't go and bomb the White House, they didn't shoot and stab whites, instead they organized small acts to stand up for themselves through a peaceful fight. They did things such as: the Greensboro sit-ins where black skinned college students sat at the lunch bar in a local diner, in 1961, they went on 'freedom rides' through the black-hating south, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a dream..." speech during the march on Washington. People such as Rosa Parks, the African American woman who wouldn't give up her seat to a white man, Ella Baker, who helped to organize sit-ins and protests, and Dr. King, who gave faith adn hope to the African American people are the people our history needs to look up to. They found a way to fight back and stand up for themselves and their own rights without causing destruction to any other race or peoples. People in history like the people listed above are a large factor in the all embracing United States.
Personally, I would like to think I would be the same in this regard; standing up for what i believe in at all costs. But I guess you'd never really know for sure until you were put directly into the situation. I mean, I'd stand up for what i believe in, sure. But would I ride a bus through a community that hates me knowing that I'd get attacked... I don't know. I'm not stupid, but if I thought it'd be worth it I just might.

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